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About Us



Children, like scientists, need multiple opportunities to explore, ask questions, make predictions, experiment, test their ideas, collect information, document, reflect and draw conclusions.

We believe that children are scientists by nature.


At The Learning Station children are encouraged to learn through play and participate in projects using all of their senses to enhance their knowledge. Children are actively engaged in the learning process conducting hands-on explorations to investigate concepts in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Children collaboratively apply their knowledge and skills to real-life situations, developing and strengthening 21st century skills like: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creativity. During projects and inquiries children use the Engineering Design Process to guide their learning.


Design innovative learning experiences that promote active exploration while interacting with the environment and its resources.


To foster in children the necessary skills to contribute and transform their community.and its resources.


How To Enroll in The Learning Station?

Parent Involvement

Behind every successful child, there is a good teacher and great parents. We believe that working together as a team, we can guide them and shape their minds to prepare them for the future.


Parent involvement can extend the experiences that a child has in the classroom to real-world activities that happen at home. In order to guarantee a good communication with parents we use different tools such as newsletters, calendars and photo reflection.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Activities and Experiences


Daily/ Weekly Report Mobile App

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